🌱 Welcome! 🌱

Roots'N'Sprouts is a Fellowship with the aim to aid both new and rusty Roleplayers in getting back into it!We provide casual RP sessions that help get your feet wet and allow you to learn how you wish to play your character. There are also occasional RP learning events that will bring in the more common RPers to come to interact with the Fellowship and allow you to engage yourself in more realistic Roleplay setups. Besides that, we have a few experienced Roleplayers around more than happy to provide as much help as you need even from the most basic processes such as learning how to emote or what various terms mean!

Please enjoy your stay here with us!


Please take time to go over these rules!

1. No harassment. We will not tolerate bullying or harassing other players which will include constantly bothering them to roleplay if they do not wish to, obvious hateful comments towards another in any sense including bigotry, blatant stalking or trolling, purposely attacking another for any reason, giving unsolicited advice, hating on someone due to their grammar/spelling, or spreading false accusations for the sake of staining another's reputation. There are many more things to list I'm sure, so just use common sense and be nice.
2. All posts must be Safe For Work. While Mature themes are perfectly fine to do in RP and some themes may dip into NSFW territory (Please keep ERP and discussions of it private), we ask to keep this Fellowship free of 18+ content. If you really must get into those themes, move it to private. In addition to this, never force another to do NSFW RP with you when it makes them uncomfortable.
3. Do not mini-mod. If someone is breaking these rules, do not punish the member who did it. Contact a moderator instead.
4. Respect other RPer's choices to accept or deny your RP requests. This one is a tough one for most, but it is just a simple fact not everyone will get along with one another both In Character and Out Of Character. The important part is how you deal with it and not respecting other people's boundaries will land you in hot water.
5. Do not try to manipulate other RPers into themes they specifically say NO to. Similar to the last rule, this is a tough pill to swallow as people have boundaries of what they want to RP and what they do not want to. If you can't respect this then perhaps you should move to solo writing instead. No means no.
6. Try to at least respect in-game lore. We won't police you by saying 'You're RPing wrong!', but when coming to roleplay in this game you should at least try to fit into this world. This is a tough subject as people will always have a variety of degrees in tolerance across the roleplaying community and that's okay! (Refer back to rule #4 for more on this.) If you're unsure about the lore or need help with fleshing out something, please don't hesitate to head over to our Discord or ask in the Cross World Linkshell. Knowing every detail of lore is never a requirement, just don't blatantly disregard the basics or all you'll do is confuse everyone.
7. Actually want to RP or help people learn to RP. I know this is a weird one, but please come to us actually wanting to roleplay. We understand how scary it can be and the anxiety can sometimes be crippling even. We're here to help you though, so please come to us with questions and the will to step into this wonderful form of writing.
8. No personal paid services advertisements. Though we will support content creators and allow you to post links to your own social media containing such services, we encourage you to not actively use the Fellowship to gain customers. There will also never be any pinned posts or Fellowship supported paid services that are geared towards the personal needs of an individual. We will, however, still show support and announce charity acts such as live streams for a certain charity and such like that.

How to Join

Currently closed recruitment.