Flyers are posted on every corner of the streets. They’re put into mail boxes. They’re taped onto sign boards. They’re shoved into the hands and pockets of unsuspecting passerby.

Welcome to the White Lotus Inn! We are happy to invite you to our new monthly Candlelight Nights hosted by the owners of your favorite Far Eastern haunted bathhouse. This is a night themed towards witches and everything spooky. It’s like Halloween every month! Our seer Leina Storme will be doing tarot card readings and haunted tours will be lead by our spectrologian Vander Thuun. Looking for something good to eat? Adrian Suzuka will be selling special enchanted sweets for this night only. Our bar will be open with our beautiful bartender Cao Xiaohu and our dance floor will be waiting for you to get your best dance spells on.

Welcome back to the White Lotus for another Candelight Night!

We are located on Zalera: Plot 37 Ward 22 and this event will be started at 8pm EST (US EASTERN STANDARD TIME) SATURDAY January 16th!

Staff will be indicated by Looking For Party symbols and also matching seneschal hair pieces. If you have any questions please whisper one of them.

Please see the following Google Sheet to take a look at our new menu for this month and event details.

We hope to see everyone there for another fun night!

@mooglemeet @crystalxivrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp @zalera-rp

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