Gold & Glory Hunter's Guild


[Balmung] Shirogane Shogatsu Street Festival
Saturday, Jan 2nd - 7-11:00pm est
Akanezaka Markets, Shirogane, Ward 6Event Doc: Year of the Ox is upon us!
Join us in a marvelous community street festival to celebrate...

[Balmung] Shirogane Shogatsu Street Festival
Saturday, Jan 2nd - 7-11:00pm est
Akanezaka Markets, Shirogane, Ward 6

Event Doc:

The Year of the Ox is upon us! 

Join us in a marvelous community street festival to celebrate the new auspice!  Vendors, performances, and exhibits of all sorts will help ring in the year with friends and family. Get your new years blessings and fortunes! And stay for the mikoshi parade!

We are looking for help!

Street Festival Vendors: Vendors are the heart and blood of the street festival! We will have a festival map showing your booth location in the master document. We would love to have Eastern vendors, but Ijinn are welcome to! This IS Kugane after all. Food and wares, even services like tattoos are welcome!

You may also be a wandering vendor. That’s a vendor who walks around selling their gear. An example of a wandering vendor is the Happy Li Mask Shop. He goes where he wants and never has a set location.

Games: We love to see game vendors at the Street Festival. Whether it’s marksmanship or koi fishing, if you would like to host  a game, please sign up! Games should not cost gil. Prizes can be IC or OOC, whichever you prefer.

Exhibits: Exhibits are shows of skill, art, or knowledge related to the Heavensturn or Eastern culture. In the past, we’ve had martial art demonstrations and geomancy lectures. If you would like to host an exhibit, message Aegir and we’ll brainstorm how to make it happen

Fortune Telling : We would like 1-2 Fortune Tellers to assist Eiden Seitsurugi with delivering personal fortunes. Eiden uses I-Ching for her fortune telling method, other fortune tellers are encouraged to use whichever method suits their character best.

Onmyoji, Security, and the Yokai Game: The yokai game is an interactive mystery involving yokai who have snuck into the festival. It is run by Lirilith and we need some yokai volunteers to help her out! Vendors are also encouraged to participate and will be given a list of clues to give people who are playing the game.

The Parade: The Ox Mikoshi is brought from the pier to the stage in a grand parade! We are looking for groups to sign up to be parade participants. The vendors/games/exhibits shut down temproarily during the parade, so if you’re involved there, you have plenty of time to do both. The same with performers. Parade ideas have ranged from ‘the Kugane blitzball team’ to 'the Four Lords’ to Eastern themed FCs marching.

Blessing Ritual: When the Ox Mikoshi reaches the stage, there will be a ritual performed by a local shrine! (Will update later)

Performances: Pop idols and singers from around the world sing to the new year during the performances! There is no limit to the type of music you can play. Performance slots re 10-15 mins. You can split a slot with another player, as long as you don’t go over time! Vendors often choose to close down once performances start.

Firework Festival: Following the performances is a beautiful firework festival everyone is encouraged to participate in.

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  10. for-gold-and-glory reblogged this from for-gold-and-glory and added:
    The Shirogane Shogatsu Street Festival is this Saturday (Shirogane W6) from 7-11pm EST. At 8:50 there will be a parade...
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    Ilakha will be telling fortunes for free with shagai (dzo ankle bones) at this year’s Shogatsu festival, all while in...
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    The Temple will be in attendance once again! Come get your new omamori and other charms for the Year of the Ox!If you...
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