Reel Goods!!

–– Bait & Tackle ––

The fish may bite, but we sure don't!

In Stock!!

No need to call a loan shark or break the (river) bank, we only take in-character gil!
i.e., No real exchange of gil required! It's all for fun!

"Divining Rod"
The Dark Lord(?) Crowley's powers sound the depths of your soul, sensing the very nature of your aether… allowing them to predict the ideal fishing rod for each and every customer!

Our house specialty! "Divining" service is free of charge – we only charge you the price of the rod.

Baits and Lures

A finely curated collection, amassed in the Fiendish Fisher Crowley's travels through the mortal realm.

Unholy Vestements for the Discerning Piscator

A small selection of powerful relics (boots and pants) made to ward the wearer from the elements. Each carries a diabolical charm that repels blessed water.

And also most other kinds of water.

Fishing Hats
Each lovingly embroidered with excerpts from the staff's own poetic musings. A sample:

Women fear me
Wavekin fear me
Men turn their eyes away from me as I walk
No beast dares make a sound in my presence
I am alone on this barren star

Very good at keeping the sun's infernal light from your eyes!

...and actual fish?!

Yes, yes. Fresh fish straight from the depths of the Underworld! ...or so the Dark Lord claims.


Anastasie Crowley

they/she/he, 34 years old

A (completely fake) Dark Lord with a passion for fishing…! They might speak in a ridiculous way that makes little to no sense, but Crowley is in fact the owner of the business. Somehow.

The miqo'te hopes to teach as many people as they can about the joys of catching these magnificent sea creatures! Whether you're a newbie or a veteran, they'll do their very best to accommodate your needs!

Umbra Ferron

he/him, 21 years old

A novice fisher with a love for all things related to nature! He’s never worked at a store before, but he’s excited to be here nonetheless! What he lacks in angling knowledge he makes up for in fish husbandry.

Always chipper, if a bit ditzy, this apprentice to the Dark Lord is eager to help everyone who comes in any way he can!

Fionnaghal Ni'mordha

she/her, 37 years old

Fionnaghal, or Fionn as she prefers, is a stylish new addition to the team who tends to the aquariums in the shop, as well helping out on the floor. Though her voice betrays her Ala Mhigan roots, little else is known of the reclusive angler save for her love of cats and women!

She can fly, fillet, and fry just about any freshwater fish, so be sure to chew her ear about that catfish you saw!


he/him?, 15 years old

Say hello to the real Dark Lord of the establishment!

Lurking amongst the dark halls of Reel Goods is everyone’s favorite goobbue! Raised from just a little seedling by Umbra, he’s (almost) completely harmless! Feel free to say hello, and even give him a treat from the jar. And if your limbs feel numb or tingly after he sneezes on you, don’t worry about it! He’s too small for it to do any permanent damage!*

Reel Goods Bait and Tackle Shop claims no liability for injury or death associated with Goobbue neurotoxic shock.

"Rebellious Goob refuses to get on the Photo-Taking Stool of Darkness"