Key of Enoch

Odds and Ends

Due to unforseen circumstances, Key of Enoch will not be providing regular IC hours for the forseeable future.
Please contact us using this form if you would like a RP session, we would be more than happy to work with you.

Balmung | Goblet | Ward 16 | Plot 1


The Key of Enoch is, to put it simply, a magickal pawn shop and artificer's den. Originating in Kugane, the shop has since moved to the oasis of the Goblet. The new location offers a unique perspective into the markets of Ul'dah - where all manner of interesting things pass and occur. Even so, simply being near to these things and events was not enough - and so Ryouhei created a place where anyone could bring the unusual, enchanted objects of the world. Catering to the collector, enthusiast, and novice alike, the Key of Enoch is a haven of knowledge and a place where anything could happen.

Ryouhei Yesuga


J'koza Vheo

Assistant + Tester

Cupid Dianthe

Acquisitions /
Cafe Server

Tsaoi Vrellen


Shino Ejinn


Balmung | Goblet | Ward 16 | Plot 1

Contact Form
