Cafe de Chocobo


                          A Crystal Data Center event in Mateus.

A weekly cafe run by the «cast» Ranch to fund their Archaeological Surveys across the Star. Come and enjoy home made treats with close friends or lovers. After eating you can head upstairs and purchase medicines, racing paraphernalia and other goods made especially for Chocobos! Ask our Chocobo Handlers for racing tips, covering for a Chocobo and other tips on how to raise a happy and healthy Chocobo!

Seating is limited so be sure to come early in case of a rush! The cafe runs for two hours from 6pm - 8pm EST on Tuesdays, every week in Plot 12, 14 Ward, of Empyreum! If you are looking to work as a server, chef, or Handler please speak with the ranch’s owner: Tatsu Toriumi!

Come visit us! Menus will be made available upon seating. 

Please note we do not have live hosts after patch days, but feel free to make use of our NPCs to roleplay there regardless!


Image by Nyaasu

Ask about the Fat Chocobo Special!


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