Gold & Glory Hunter's Guild


[Balmung] Haurchefant-en-Ciel White Day Concert
March 14th @ 9:00pm EST - Goblet W6, P5Eiri, Hideki, and Umi-kun, the lovely boys of Haucherfant-en-Ciel, have put together a special show to thank all of their fans for their support. A White Day...

[Balmung] Haurchefant-en-Ciel White Day Concert
March 14th @ 9:00pm EST - Goblet W6, P5

Eiri, Hideki, and Umi-kun, the lovely boys of Haucherfant-en-Ciel, have put together a special show to thank all of their fans for their support. A White Day Concert? What is White Day? It’s a special celebration of gratitude for everyone who has been kind to you over the year (and especially after Valentione…). Fans are encouraged to dress in white and bring their glow sticks! This one hour concert will feature group and solo acts and comedy from the hard working idol group that has brought you such hits as “Haurcherfant Haunted Heart” and “Coerthas Fried Chocobo Cutie Crusade.” 

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