Blood Moon Diana
Nightraid Network
FFXIV Far Eastern RP Network
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Nightraid Network
We bring the stories to you!
The Nightraid Network is a community holding various events ran by a small organization known as NightRaid. The Network's events heavily have a Far Eastern theme with a light mix of Western influence. Events range from group hunts and combats events to social gatherings, and unique sessions. The Network does involve itself in many supernatural-oriented roleplay, incorporating folklore and advocating for the existence of yokai.


🌸Little Light Apothecary🌸


Ran by Salem & L'amp Tia: Come out and see what the spirits have to offer! Little Lights has a selection of herbs, teas, gifts and candies to cure what ails you! See live performances and indulge in some rest and relaxation in our downstairs sanctuary or a hidden outdoor hot spring facing the lovely beach of Shirogane! We have collaborated with several vendors, so take a look, stop and smell the roses. 🌹 Just mind the roaming spirits on your way in!

🌼 Time: 8PM - 10PM EST, April 14th on Wednesday
🌻 Location: COEURL, Shirogane Ward 8 Plot 51
🌼 Website & Shop: https://littlelights.carrd.co/

Special Live Performance by ♪ 『 浮世三人 』 Ukiyo Trio

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We will be postponing the Apothecary’s opening to April 21st, Wednesday! ⭐

posted on Apr 13th '21 with 17 notes  •  via  •  source
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