[Balmung] Roller Disco Night at the Garlean Community Center
Tuesday May 19th @ 9:00pm EST - Shirogane W10, Main Apartments #64Skating! Music! Snacks!
The activity hall in the Garlean Community Center has been converted to an old fashion Islbardian...

[Balmung] Roller Disco Night at the Garlean Community Center
Tuesday May 19th @ 9:00pm EST - Shirogane W10, Main Apartments #64

Skating! Music! Snacks!
The activity hall in the Garlean Community Center has been converted to an old fashion Islbardian skating rink for this night of disco light, retro tunes, snacks, and friendship. Get up and move around, play games, meet new people, have some soda and candy, and listen to the great music. This event is open to the entire community of Kugane as well as passing tourists. For your safety, imperial guards will be positioned inside the center for the evening. 

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    Tonight! DJ Dominis is taking song requests during the Disco!
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