Blood Moon Diana
Nightraid Network
FFXIV Far Eastern RP Network
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Nightraid Network
We bring the stories to you!
The Nightraid Network is a community holding various events ran by a small organization known as NightRaid. The Network's events heavily have a Far Eastern theme with a light mix of Western influence. Events range from group hunts and combats events to social gatherings, and unique sessions. The Network does involve itself in many supernatural-oriented roleplay, incorporating folklore and advocating for the existence of yokai.

🌸 Hunters Haven: Stories of the Season 🌸


NightRaid is bringing back the haven meant for hunters and folks of various professions to enjoy an eventful evening with plenty of free food to feast from! Our chefs and attendants will be hard at work producing buffet-style far eastern foods whilst our stage reminds open for storytellers throughout the night.

Are you interested in being one of those storytellers for our stage? Send me a message! The theme will loosely be: Seasons. We will open three slots officially, and the rest of the evening will be open for anyone else who wishes to share a story!

~ Storytellers ~
Opener: Tetsuro Wulf




When: Saturday, May 8th, @8PM EST!

Location: Coeurl, Shirogane Ward 11 Plot 58

🌸 Schedule (EST): 🌸

Hunters Haven Begins! Doors open, folks may mingle, fill their plates, find their seats and get comfortable whilst the music plays.

Storytelling begins! Those who’ve signed up will be able to go on stage with their tale, using /yell chat.

11PM/12AM: Open stage for anyone else who wanted to share a tale or something short and sweet until the night comes to an end!

Bring your friends, loved ones, colleagues to relax for an evening to our lounge to hang out and enjoy the atmosphere.
Contact: Tetsuro#3438.

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posted on May 02nd '21 with 11 notes
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