17 Sultana's Breath Apartments, Ward 11, The Goblet, Lich, Light.
Nearest Aetheryte : Sultana's Breath Apartments


Located within the Sultana's Breath Apartments in the Goblet, lies the pit. A dirty, no-frills fighting ring full of exactly what you need to quench your thirst for violence; more violence.

Getting Involved & Rules

Apparently I need to make rules, so here we go.
1. Please be nice and courteous to eachother, this is a fighting pit, I get that, but we're all humans behind these keyboards (or atleast I think we are) and being a dick unnesscarily isn't going to solve anything.
2. Please be mindful of other's expectations in Roleplay, try to meet yourself to how the other person is at. If they're going for lore-abiding play, perhaps don't cast a Fire III in their face, unless you're Shard, I guess.
3. Please don't detonate any massive bombs, or seriously injure anyone here, again, this is a fighting pit but I really don't want to have to do the paperwork if someone gets hurt. The Flames investigation isn't really worth it for me.
4. Fights will follow the 'Elysium Ruleset' and by that I mean, 3 strikes and you're out with /dice rolls against eachother, moderated by Me and Rose.
5. If Rose or Mimi (Lumini) says so, then it goes, don't argue with us. It's our establishment and we don't want fights over moderation, just actual fistfights.

Getting Involved
If you want to get involved! Please send Koi#8899 a message on Discord.
Otherwise, turn up! I'll just pick people out of the crowd when I get bored and things are slow. Worst comes to worst, I'll just start setting my carbuncles on people for entertainment. You don't want that right?


This template had 3 buttons and I don't know how to delete them individually. So I guess this is the schedule page now.8pm in Central Eastern European Time
6pm in Greenwich Mean Time