
Salaam, we welcome you to the social hub for the Bandee Pakshee, a near-eastern style pillow house and entertainment venue in the Goblet's Brimming Heart. Find us at Ward 10, Plot 19 on Balmung in FFXIV. (18+)


Joiin the Bandee Pakshee in welcoming Viera to Eorzea. And also Hrothgar, but like in development, adding them into the event is a clear afterthought! 

Ow, that burns.

ANYROAD, join us Friday, July 26th at the Bobbing Cork in the North Shroud for drinks, music and a chance to mix and mingle with the newest migrants to our Eorzean shores! Check out the event page on our website and take a look at what else we have coming up. 

9:19pm · Friday, July 5th, 2019 · 14 notes
tags » Welcome from the Jungle · Balmung · Balmung RP · Viera · Hrothgar · Shadowbringers ·
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