
Salaam, we welcome you to the social hub for the Bandee Pakshee, a near-eastern style pillow house and entertainment venue in the Goblet's Brimming Heart. Find us at Ward 10, Plot 19 on Balmung in FFXIV. (18+)



The Pakshee is joining in with the Beastmen Alliance ( @beastmen-alliance ) and various pro-Beastmen businesses for a street fair celebrating the maligned and marginalized beast races of Eorzea and beyond! Get your vath wine, ananta jewelry and dragon-hunted meat in the Brimming Heart! 

Have a pro-beastmen business? Contact Rommie#9450 to get involved!

WHEN: June 26th @ 7PM Eastern
WHERE: Goblet’s 10th Ward, The Brimming Heart
WHO: Sylphs, Ananta, Kojin, Goblins, Dragons and everyone who loves them.
WHAT: A celebration of beast cultures!

9:56am · Thursday, June 11th, 2020 · 24 notes
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