Kami's Corner

"Its technically a bar"

Here at Kami's Corner we strive to provide the most high quality service our budget will allow - which doesnt mean much, considering we dont have one.


Want me not to go bankrupt? Consider ordering something!


The "Ifrit" (250 Gil)

A cocktail inspired by the Primal Ifrit - Just like the real thing, it will set your tastebuds on fire!
(And also various other appendages...)

The "Reaper" (400 Gil)

Are you in a spooooky mood? Do you want to live life on the edge? Then try the reaper! It truly is a drink to die for... Wether or not you actually will, depends on your alchol tolerance. And luck. A lot of Luck.

The Kami Special (700 Gil)

Do you not know what to order? Are you too afraid you're going to be judged by your friends for your bad taste? We here at Kami's Corner have found a solution: The Kami Special! By mixing every drink we offer into one big drink we have managed to simply remove the need to make this decision!

The "Dragoon" (250 Gil)

Are you seeking that authentic Dragoon Experience? Dont worry, we've got you covered!
Just drink enough of these, and you'll be laying dead on the floor in no time!

The "Vellgander" (400 Gil)

What is a "Vellgander", you might ask? Dont worry, we here at Kami's Corner also have no idea!


"The Void" (-75 Gil)

Some People like strong drinks. Some People like soft drinks. Some People like to sink deeper and deeper into a pit of despair while their Alcoholism slowly consumes them. This "Drink" is for those People!

(Yes, We'll pay you to drink this. It's that bad.)(Only one per Person)

"The Void (but with cheese for some reason)" (-75 Gil)

Are you bored of the classic void experience? Do you yearn for something more? Then ive got just the thing for you! Introducing: Void with cheese! Combining the classic flavour of pure suffering with cheese, this drink ensures you'll never be bored again! ...or feel any other emotion. Or be alive. Alright, maybe drinking this isnt a great idea.

(Yes, We'll pay you to drink this. It's that bad.)(Only one per Person)

"The Sun" (250 Gil)

Do you not feel comfortable drinking alcohol? Do you have some other obligations preventing you from doing so? Others Bars provide Mocktails as an Alternative. Here, at Kami's Corner. We... don't have the Budget for that. This is literally just a bottle of Orange Juice with a smile painted on it.

Wine (500.000.000 Gil)

"if ull serve wine
ill be ur #1 customer"

(Kami's corner is not responsible for any potential harm caused by our drinks. Dont try to sue us, none of this is even remotely legal in the first place.)

Kami's Corner

"Its technically a bar"

Here at Kami's Corner we strive to provide the most high quality service our budget will allow - which doesnt mean much, considering we dont have one.

Breakfast Menu

Kami's Corner serves Breakfast now, because people keep asking for it! Aren't i generous?

The Sun Breakfast (250 Gil)

Just want a relaxed breakfast? Well, maybe you shouldnt have visited a bar for that, but here you go anyways. Enjoy your morning with these fluffy pancakes and a cup of coffee. How does this have anything to do with the Sun? You're asking too many questions.

25 boiled eggs (900 Gil)

Do you like eggs? Do you have no semblance of self control? Well you probably shouldn't order this, but here you go anyways!

The "Balanced" Breakfast (250 Gil)

Is your Life slowly spiraling out of control? Have you forgotten what the concept of having a sleep schedule even is? Then dont worry, we've got you covered! The "Balanced" Breakfast... won't solve that problem, but at the very least it'll taste good. ...although it isn't even remotely close to being "balanced" or "healthy".

Kami's Corner

"Its technically a bar"

Here at Kami's Corner we strive to provide the most high quality service our budget will allow - which doesnt mean much, considering we dont have one.

Kami Voidsun

The Owner of the Critically Acclaimed "Kami's Corner", and it's Host, Manager and Waiter. And also every other possible Job. What? Did you seriously think i had enough money to hire people?


I was going to code a fancy custom guestbook here, but alas, i am too lazy. Have this one instead!

Customer Reviews

Since its first opening in 2022, Kami's Corner has been the go-to dining establishment for dozens of patrons! Here are just a few of our amazing reviews:


Don't look under the floorboards or else you're next.

Owners Jokes are quite long...

The supply of eggs is unmatched.