Gold & Glory Hunter's Guild


[Balmung] The Trial of the Azy Llas Allagan Abes
Oct 20th @ 8:00pm EST
The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine, IshgardLet it be forthwith known to the public and to all interested parties the declaration of charges of heresy...

[Balmung] The Trial of the Azy Llas Allagan Abes
Oct 20th @ 8:00pm EST
The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine, Ishgard

Let it be forthwith known to the public and to all interested parties the declaration of charges of heresy -that is, the act of libel, defamation, and conspiracy to commit sedition upon the Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine and the Republic of Ishgard - levied upon the azys lla alagan abes, a professional blitzball team under the review of the Hydaelyn Blitzball Association,  for the act of trafficking twenty or more unregistered Allagan nodes through the great territory of Coerthas with the intent to distribute outside of legal and good purvey.
Trial for the accused will begin on october the 20th at 8:00PM EST, at the hall of adjudication, The Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine in the Republic of Ishgard. The HONORABLE Adjudicator Alexandre du Papillonoux shall be presiding. 

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