A note slips into your hand.

If by chance or by choice, my warmest greetings to you.
For clarity and respite, please find my tea house.

I read not novelties, but truths long buried.

A screencap of an Elezen from Final Fantasy XIV, in a Triple-Triad high rank card frame. She considers an astrologian card.

Cactuar, The Lavender Beds
W20 P32

Sunday, May 29th, 2022
3pm-8pm EST

Still cleaning up a few loose ends after our move!
MAYbe look for our return soon?

Newo accompanied by her two assistants, in costume for an event.

Turning the note reveals details.

It further reads...

I offer private card readings for individuals and friends in my humble abode at the appointed hours.

For what amounts to conversation and rest, I do not have a fixed fee. However, I welcome your gil if your coinpurse is heavy, and I accept any gifts or tokens of gratitude.

A black rose, by any other name, smells just as sweet.

A stack of three face-down Astrologian cards from Final Fantasy XIV. They resemble tarot cards, purple with a gold frame.

You may be wondering...

... about some of the details.

In plain terms, what is going on?
I offer tarot readings through FFXIV on a monthly basis.

Is there any cost at all?
These readings are completely free. Tips are accepted only after earning them.

This is just an RP, right?
It can be, but you'd be mistaken to think that's all it is. Some have sat with the wrong mindset and left profoundly shaken.

This is listed everywhere as a SFW, 18+ event. What do you mean by that?
I refuse to read for underage players because of the topics that can be broached.

Are the maids available as courtesans?
Absolutely not. There is an abundance of other lovely venues intended for that purpose.

The note then unfolds into reviews.

Somehow, and quite impossibly, the note manages to unfold downwards, listing comments from others about their experience.

From the estate's Message Book

Setz S. : Very insightful reading! I was given much to think about.

Azzy V. : Curiosity led me here and I left satisfied.

Crymzon D. : What a beautiful experience I just had! The people are wonderful and the readings really hit home!

Ohliver K. : 10/10, what an amazing service. I hope you don't mind if I tell my FC members and friends about your services.

Ecumenical W. : The madam gave wonderful insight. If you have the opportunity, please give her a visit. I highly recommend it.

Velani V. : Very in-depth, thank you!

Rinxi V. : Enjoyed your lovely home and the reading<3

Other verbatims

O. K. from Unknown : Overall rating for me was 5/5, I came in with a fake like story/question because I treated it as "oh, it's just final Fantasy roleplaying stuff". Instead, I got hit with a dose of reality and she shined on real life issues I've been wracking and dealing with.

A. L. from Unknown : The establishment was quite lovely, and walking in, the music really helped me relax. Alongside that, the staff was quite kind. Newo was a fantastic reader and gave some spot on readings too! I'll for sure bring some friends next time, this was a blast! :D

T. K. from Faerie : A really insightful and peaceful experience!

A. K. from Faerie : It was really fun and enjoyable, great atmosphere as well!

S. D. from Faerie : From a fellow tarot reader of three years, Newo is quite adept at her skill. Normally I can tell if someone is trying to get a cold read out of me, and not really someone who seeks to hone their craft. But Newo is someone who cares for the truth as well as the passion for the cards. Her intuition is definitely something to delve into as well as she was spot on with her reads! I would recommend any passing patron to her quarters!