Livia Crane & Andora Cabot II FFXIV RP II Balmung II Mediocre Art

In celebration of the season of love, The Festival of Roses is set for Saturday, February 13, 2021, beginning at 6:00 EST/5:00 CST/3:00 PST!

This event is set to offer a date auction, vendors, and a couples fighting pit, and we’re still looking for help staffing the event!

In particular, we are looking for merchants or game booths with a Valentione’s themed twist! All vendors will have their own slide to be decorated as they’d like.

We are also searching for interested healers for the tournament, and security to staff the event! We will begin accepting applications for the date auction soon.

  @balmungrpcalendar  @balmungrp

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    Please note an error on the advertisement- the event takes place in LB ward 9 sub, not ward 6 sub!
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