The Emerald Enclave is a vigilante environmental organisation that works outside of the jurisdiction of the Stillglade Fane and the Twin Adders whose goal is to protect and maintain the natural balance of the Black Shroud. The organisation consists of two sides- the druids, priests, and priestesses of nature who are worshippers of the twelve, putting a special focus on Nophica, the elementals, and other spirits of nature, and the Guardians, the martial force of the Emerald Enclave who help protect the Black Shroud and members of the Enclave with their martial finesse. Learn more at Applications for fc members now open
© theme by glenthemes

Nophica’s Bounty- A drinking competition

Nophica’s moon is the perfect time to enjoy the fermented fruits of the harvest. The Emerald Enclave invites new friends and old to join them in a drinking competition to test their stamina by partaking in the strongest drinks from Nophica’s bounty.

When: Sat 27th 7 pm pdt/ 8 pm mdt/ 10 pm edt

Where: Plot 3, 11th ward, Lavender Bed, Mateus. Icly The Emerald Enclave, East Shroud.

Who: Open to enclave members and friends along with the public. Please sign up to ensure your place.

Nophica’s moon is the perfect time to enjoy the fermented fruits of the harvest. The Emerald Enclave invites new friends and old to join them in a drinking competition to test their resolve in the strongest drinks from Nophica’s bounty.

First prize-1 mil gil.

Second prize- 500 000 gil

Sign up now open here

Tags: @ffxiv-crystal-rp @ffxivrp @mateus-rp

posted on Nov 19th '21 with 24 notes  •  
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    Two places left for anyone who wants to sign up. This is tonight!
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