Balmung server | Roleplaying Free Company
Rumor has it that there is a shop steeped in intrigue and filled with curiosities unheard of nestled deep within the shaded boughs of the Black Shroud.
Do you fancy yourself a purveyor of oddities? It would certainly not be wrong to say you've an inclination towards research of the many vast unknowns of the realm, but a helping hand or two is what you're searching for? Mayhap you are simply lost and you've wandered in by mistake! It matters little, for the question remains ostensibly the same. Will you walk in the shade of the Sable Tree?
Sable Tree Co.
.I home .II contact .III history .IV theme
Sable Tree Company
Occult Misadventures


The sanguine hum of violins, the sweet taste of wine, the kiss of a costumed stranger beneath the moon’s hallowed light - Can you envision it as the days pass by and the celebration approaches?

Gather under the Sable Tree for a night of refuge in our All Saints’ Wake Ball! Join us on the final eve of the moon, share a drink and dance ‘til your slippers break at the heels! Will you encounter your fated half– or share a pas-de-deux with Lady Death herself?


On Friday, October 29th from 5pm PST to 9pm PST, The Sable Tree Company will host a ballroom event at our mansion located in Lavender Beds p58, w15! To suit the theme of the evening, the dress code for the ball will be **Frightening Elegance.** In other words, dress to scare in the most chic fashions! Sable Tree will provide the music for the evening, playing orchestral tracks through an out-of-game playlist(Playlist site and link TBA). Members of Sable Tree will be joining the crowd to partake in dances as directed by the hosts.

posted on Oct 18th '21 with 33 notes
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    Happening tonight in 1 hour!
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