Blood Moon Diana
Nightraid Network
FFXIV Far Eastern RP Network
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Nightraid Network
We bring the stories to you!
The Nightraid Network is a community holding various events ran by a small organization known as NightRaid. The Network's events heavily have a Far Eastern theme with a light mix of Western influence. Events range from group hunts and combats events to social gatherings, and unique sessions. The Network does involve itself in many supernatural-oriented roleplay, incorporating folklore and advocating for the existence of yokai.

Hunters Starlight Feast & Gifts


🍖 Hunters Starlight Feast & Gifts 🎁

Tis the season for hunters to gather at NightRaid’s headquarters once again! Come join us to share our love and appreciation for our fellow hunters and colleagues with a delicious feast! We’ll be hosting the feast and exchanging of gifts for those who signed up for the exchange, though.. those who hadn’t are welcomed regardless! Food and drink will be complimentary to all.

🎄 We will be having a mini performance and special starlight storyteller to end the night ~! Bring along your friends and loved ones.

❅ Location: Coeurl Server, Shirogane - Ward 11 Plot 58
❅ When: December 19th, 8PM EST
❅ Performance & Music: https://cytu.be/r/NightRaid

All are welcome to come by! If you have any questions, contact Tetsuro Wulf or Tetsuro#3438. If you would like to be a storyteller for starlight, feel free to poke.

Tags for visibility:
@ffxiv-crystal-rp​​ @crystalxivrp​​ @coeurl-rp​​

posted on Dec 13th '20 with 10 notes
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