
Salaam, we welcome you to the social hub for the Bandee Pakshee, a near-eastern style pillow house and entertainment venue in the Goblet's Brimming Heart. Find us at Ward 10, Plot 19 on Balmung in FFXIV. (18+)



Let’s be real: Things have kinda gone to shit in Garlemald. And while there are plenty of people that made the bed they lie in, there are also a lot of people who find themselves refugees in Eorzea, without home, without country, without anything.

Garlemald burning is hardly a tragedy for us, but the Spokenatarian crisis faced by those free radicals who didn’t belong to the system is something the Pakshee wants to call attention to. Be it flight from civil war, from the crimes of the old guard, or from the fact that the new emperor is a genocidal psychopath even by Garlean standards, there are a lot of reasons to seek refuge. And those, we celebrate. 

Garleans wanting to showcase some talent can join famous names like Savo and The North Wind on stage and belt out what you’re feeling, and the Pakshee’s here to help you with healing. 

Break the red diamond, and forge something new with us.

4:11pm · Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 · 11 notes
tags » Free Radicals concert · The Bandee Pakshee · Garlean Civil War · Garlemald · balmung events ·
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