Gold & Glory Hunter's Guild


NEW ASTRAL ERA: Eorzea Wrestling Federation
A Professional Wrestling Roleplay
Season One begins Sept 17th
Welcome to the New Astral Era! Brought to you by the enterprising mind of Ul’dah’s richest slum...

NEW ASTRAL ERA: Eorzea Wrestling Federation
A Professional Wrestling Roleplay
Season One begins Sept 17th


Welcome to the New Astral Era! Brought to you by the enterprising mind of Ul’dah’s richest slum lord, Don Coconero, the Eorzean Wrestling Federation debuts this turn with an action packed line up of wrestlers thirsting to win the Bahamut Belt. 

The season begins with an open call to wrestlers to present storylines to the Federation to be used in this year’s New Astral Era! The Federation is searching for compelling wrestlers with dreams of glory, haunting drama, bitter rivalries, and lots and lots of chair throwing.

OOC Info: 
Eorzea Federation Wrestling: A New Astral Era is a role play series of professional wrestling events. Wrestlers will perform before an audience in predetermined matches utilizing storylines and signature moves to create an entertaining fight showcase. 

The style of wrestling incorporates elements of American professional wrestling and Japanese purosu. Storylines will be created by the GMs with contribution from the wrestlers, and scripts will be pre-written between wrestlers to make the event flow at a natural pace. There will be both single and tag team events, a royal rumble, and a final event. Wrestlers will participate in on-stage promos, and video promos.

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