
Ey yous, ye yous wit da dumb look on yous face. Da Gil Tribe’s happy ta announce dat da worlds famous Gilded Markets be opens ta da publics like yous lot. Das right yous shoulds feels honored! Da Gil Father is a kind fella lettin yous on Gil Tribe lands.

Comes on downs ta da Gilded Markets, spends yer gil on da very best foods, ingredients, magical items, and yous can leaves da kits in da kiddie pool! Funs ferda whole family. One gils fer every hundah spent wills goes directly to da ‘Gil Ferda Ill’ charity which is lookin da provide aid ta does ins our communities dat can’t provides fer demselves!

…did I’s reads dat right? Dat can’t be… ‘Gil Ferda Ill’… provides aids… huh, a’ight sure does says dat. Feckin wild bro.

Anyways, if’n dat ain’cher bucket o’ fish ferda more, mature folk in da crowds we’s got’cha covahed! Da Gil Tribe woulds also like ta announce da public openin of da newest incarnations of da Gilded Cabaret! Come downs an haves a drink, make some deals, ans be enchanteds by da lovely G’iltless, goddess of the gilded cage!

Da Gil Tribe woulds also like ta announce dat soon da GILLION GAMBIT will bes open to da’s publics SOON™! Here yous’ll be able to beat da absolutes crapola outta udda fightas! Fist ta fist? Sure! Wanna use a weapon? Goffer it bro! Feckin slap da hells outta yer opponents wit da kitchen sinks, we ain’t caring…

‘Cept ferda Ill apparentlys?

We does ask yous dun go an kill anyones an dat yous at least undastand while we’s ain checkin yers age dat yous at least acts likes an adult. Da Gil Father woulds like ta remind everyones da be respectfulls because, ans I’s quotins, “The Gil Father will personally throw anyone who is disrespectful to any employee, member of the tribe, patron, or fighter off the cliff that is across the road from the Gilded Markets immediately upon being made aware of it”.

Yeesh, I’ms pretty sures he’s serious bouts dat one. So’s yeah like dun be a dick I s’pose. Anyway dat’s it.

OOC Information

When: Biweekly on Mondays, Sign ups start at 9pm ET, Fights begin at 10pm ET.

Where: The Goblet, 19th Ward, Plot 39 - BALMUNG

The Gil Tribe doesn’t care where you’re from or what your background is as long as you behave and understand that we expect people to act like adults while visiting the establishment either for the Markets, Cabaret, or the Fight Night.

For the time being we will hold sign ups on the day of the event, if we start having larger turn outs this may change.

Combat will be either 1v1 or 2v2 and go with basic Grindstone rules, that is if you are unfamiliar, before combat begins everyone will make a /random roll to establish turn order. After this the attacker will post their action and make a /random roll, the defender will then make a /random roll and react to the attack. This will continue until one player has achieved 3 (three) successful attacks or 30 minutes has elapsed. 

If anyone would like to join the event as staff feel free to contact Keio#2136 on discord we will be looking for more people to play members of the Gil Tribe if you happen to enjoy RPing with us, as well as Healers and staff for the Cabaret.

FFXIV Balmung rp event

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