The Hawkeye's

My combination FFXIV and Personal Blog. Welcome!
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The Annual Melon Crushing Contest!


It’s Moonfire Faire again, and you know what that means! Melon Crushing!

That’s right, it’s back! Come join our host, Miss Eorzea 2017 Kiera Hawkeye as she hosts another wonderful melon crushing contest. No thighs will be denied! Any and all races are encouraged to come and participate!

The event will be run through /random. How it works is that you have “X” chances to reach “X” number, simulating the size of the melon and the effort taken to crush it. For example, the first round will be three chances to roll above 200. If you manage it on your first roll, fantastic! You do not have to roll anymore after that.


We will be hosting it here at Hidden Falls <31,23> on August 22th 2021, at 1:00pm EST on Balmung server. So that way, our European friends have a chance to show us their thigh strength.

The prize this year is, like always, bragging rights, the title of Melon Crusher Extraordinaire of Eorzea, as well as 250,000 gil !

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