Wyverns Nest

Crystal, Mateus, Mist, Ward 1, Plot 31

The Tavern history

The Tavern holds a few secrets.

The Tavern

Wyverns Nest menu as well as hours

Tavern staff

Members the help run the tavern

Wyverns Nest

Wyverns Nest is a Tavern located in Limsa. Some are known to hear of it from locals. Others might of heard of it due to ties it has to the Maelstrom.
Wyverns Nest tavern serves food and rumors.

Wyverns Nest menu

The Wyverns Nest menu. (prices are rp only)
Siren's Delight 100 gil (rolanberry
mead with hints of clove.)
Wyverns fire 100 gil (spicey ale)
Sake 150 gil
Dalmascan wine 300 gil
Most beers 25 gil for mugs 50 for table jug
Doman Tea 50 gil
Foods. All foods are 100 gil
Finger sandwich's
Rolanberry cake
fried fish
Grilled shark
Shark ramen

Jaq'rain Firesoul Owner/bartender