Gold & Glory Hunter's Guild


[Balmung] Skyfury Scrips War Bond Fundraiser
Date: Thursday, March 12th
Time: 8:30pm EST
Location: The Last Vigil, Pillars, Ishgard. IF YOU CAN’T ENLIST - INVEST!
Do your part in beating back the Feathered Menace! Invest in our Great Republic’s first...

[Balmung] Skyfury Scrips War Bond Fundraiser
Date: Thursday, March 12th
Time: 8:30pm EST
Location: The Last Vigil, Pillars, Ishgard.


Do your part in beating back the Feathered Menace! Invest in our Great Republic’s first war bond offering, Skyfury Scrips, and let your hard earned gil provide not only for your own future… but for the strength and safety of Ishgard’s Finest.

Skyfury Scrips. Together as one, we shall shatter the Sky! For Ishgard!

Every great military marches on it’s wallet. We will be throwing a war bond rally - complete with patriotic speeches and performances - along with a bond drive and details on reclamation and supply efforts for non-combatants. Save the date!

Discord Link:
Contact: Speak with Yves de Gaultier or Aegir in discord!

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