The Emerald Enclave is a vigilante environmental organisation that works outside of the jurisdiction of the Stillglade Fane and the Twin Adders whose goal is to protect and maintain the natural balance of the Black Shroud. The organisation consists of two sides- the druids, priests, and priestesses of nature who are worshippers of the twelve, putting a special focus on Nophica, the elementals, and other spirits of nature, and the Guardians, the martial force of the Emerald Enclave who help protect the Black Shroud and members of the Enclave with their martial finesse. Learn more at Applications for fc members now open
© theme by glenthemes

The Emerald Enclave, a community of druids and other nature lovers, invites all to their Midsummer celebration. Traditionally, Midsummer is held in the middle of summer on the day the sun shines the longest. For the druids of the Emerald Enclave, it is a time to honour Azeyma and thank her for bringing her light to the land. It is believed by the druids that from this point onwards, the days will start to grow shorter as the time of the dark half of the turn begins. From midday until midnight, all are invited to join in celebrating with games, drinking, and feasting under Azeyma’s gaze.

Where: 5th ward subdivision, Lavender Beds ( 11.0 , 16.0 ) Mateus

When: Friday 25th of June at 7 pm PST/ 10 pm EST/ 8 pm MST (IC from midday till midnight

@mateusrpcalendar @mateus-rp @crystal-rp-ffxiv @crystalxivrp @mooglemeet

posted on May 23rd '21 with 60 notes  •  
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